Intuitive Readings

Readings are a 90-minute deep dive intuitive counselling session with the Divine as co-therapist. There are many possible reasons for coming for a reading including a specific issue you are grappling with, struggles around feeling connected to yourself, your body, and to the Divine, life transitions and choice points, or maybe feeling blocked or out of balance. We will talk about where you are, how you got there, and where you want to go from here. During our time together, any internal static and confusion that may be preventing you from seeing clearly and being able to tap into your own guidance system will disappear, creating space for clarity and a deeper sense of connection.
Your soul and the Divine will guide the reading through my Soulward Bound oracle cards, my intuition, and a variety of intuitive nudges. Sometimes an oracle card or something I say will trigger a memory or thought for you. These memories or thoughts are like a trail of breadcrumbs from the Divine, helping us to find our way. The more we talk and the more you share, the more guidance I receive. It is important to stay open to being led in unexpected directions since you will always end up exactly where you need to be even if it is not where you thought you needed to go.
I combine the guidance I receive with the experience and skills I have mastered over more than 25 years of working with clients. I have the ability to put into words the ideas, thoughts, and feelings you’ve been having but haven’t known how to describe or explain. Readings can confirm the things you already know or suspect, or they can be a leap into the unknown.
You may be invited to have a conversation with your soul, examine soul contracts, or release energetic enmeshments. We may journey to your childhood, alternate realities, or other lifetimes, talk to your body to figure out what it has been trying to tell you, or perhaps uncover and unravel belief systems that no longer serve you. The possibilities are endless. Together, we will co-create an opportunity for you to experience clarity, peace, and transformation.
I have been told that sometimes my approach can appear to be direct and blunt, but please know there’s no shame and no judgement, this is just how the process works. A reading is an opportunity for you to see your beauty and your brilliance, your blind spots, your stories, your stuck places, and the defences you have against love. You are invited to let the light in to see yourself the way the Divine sees you, through the eyes of unconditional love and acceptance.
These readings can be intense and I recommend booking your reading on a day where there are no other commitments, including work. Please give yourself space and time to relax after the reading and process everything, letting the shifts, new energies, and new perspectives settle in.
We will cover a lot of ground during our time together. Clients have shared with me that so much comes up during their reading that they are often still reflecting on it all weeks and months later. If you would like some support and guidance as you process and implement your new perspective and understanding, follow-up sessions are available. If, however, there are specific issues that surfaced during the reading that you would like to explore in greater depth, counselling sessions may be more appropriate. This is something we can discuss once you have had a chance to sit with the experience of the reading. (Please note: Intuitive Readings and Follow-up Sessions are not eligible for insurance coverage.)
90 Min. Intuitive Readings: $250.
Readings are done via Zoom. On the checkout page, please provide your availability in “Additional Information”.